If there's anything my mom taught me that I've taken to heart that also applies in a small way to this particular moment is to always give things a no thank you bite. Now I still try no thank you bites when it comes to new food but I've also carried it over to many other things in life. I've ended up trying a lot of new things and getting out of my comfort zone. For instance: horse back riding. Tried it. Liked it a little even. Won't ever do it again though.
There are a few things like this. I've discover what I like and what I don't. Weathers is books and movies, games, food, habits in relationships and so on.
Once Casey Kendal taught me, a Christian should never be a codify able Christian. We should be getting out of our comfort zones of the pews of the church, and bringing the church to the people. The ultimate adventure. It's so true and I've leaned so much about myself because I've put this into practice. I've learned that I'm a control freak, slightly obsessive, and a tad clingy. But I've also learned that being around other people makes me a better servant. Having other who may seem better or may seem worse off, helping others, loving others, it's taught me to understand better what the Lord has for my life. I just serve better alongside those I love! And all because I decided to try new things. Get out there and know people better. I don't regret it. And still the Lord is stretching me. Putting me in places I don't think I'll ever understand. Most recently He's put me in a position, that I had been avoiding, for a long time, for good reason! So uncomfortable! Why me? Why there? Why now? The Lord knows the situation I have myself in but he still put me where he wants me. Nearly a month in and I still don't know why!?! But He is sovereign and has a perfect plan for all of our lives. So who am I to tell God that He made a mistake? He couldn't have. He has me there for a reason. So on serving I will do! And I won't lie, it's been pretty great already, despite the continuous discomfort. I can still have joy in my heart. 💜