Thursday, June 9, 2016

A Promise of Success

Sometimes people think that if the follow the letter of the law they will be successful in life. Do good deeds, have good things happen to you. Karma. The Promlems is the worlds interpretation of success. The world defines success as wealthy, attractive, well liked, and far from harm. Having the pretty wife, good kids in private school, house with a pool, job to be adored, etc. But what does it mean to be successful in Christ?
Love Jesus, love people. 
Show love, demonstrate it to the world. Obey the Lord. Walk in His ways. Life won't be perfect. Storms will come and test our faith, often we will be put under trial and many times we will have even the appearance of being unsuccessful in our a great part of our lives but when the world takes a closer look- they should see that despite our circumstances- we are joyful! We have the joy of Christ in our life and what can be more successful than that? To rejoice when all seems lost- to sing when all seems forgotten or fallen- all because Christ and His love for us! His dying on the cross! Giving up His life, that we might have life more abundantly. 
People in the world may have the appearance of success because of their possessions and status among their community, but if there is no true joy in there life? What good is it all?

Psalm 128:1-2
“Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, Who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.”
True success is successfully pleasing the Lord in all you do, so go out and obey His commands that He has given you! :)

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