Monday, December 30, 2013

Wandering Through Words

    I absolutely love the dictionary app on my phone. I've been using it all the time to look up words lately. I'm not sure if I want to attempt song writing or not but that's where it looks like these words are headed. I was listening to my regular music the other day. It was slow, dreary, very interesting genre I guess. Some would say it's just plain depressing but I like it. What I realized though was that the lyrics didn't make a whole lot of sense. It sounded like the artist just put weird words together to make sound all modern. If I were to write a song I would most definitely not jumble weird words together. You have to try and make sense of all the jumbled words.

Here are many nouns and such I'd been working into phrases:

       Twilight (Overdone)
       Teutonic pair
       Dead of night
       New Beginning
       Trudging Through
       Pain for a beautiful outcome

    Whatever. It's a work in progress. I'm constantly thinking of a selection in a road after it rains. i think it's beautiful at night with maybe a neon sign's reflection making the road a colorful mural. This painting doesn't even come close to what I had imagined but it's the closest I could come to when painting such words.