Wednesday, January 20, 2016

When Things get Tough

There is something so beautiful about the way the Lord work in our lives. Sometimes we lose sight of the beauty when we become desensitized by it. But I think our biggest problem is we forget. We are such forgetful creatures in that we loose sight of what He has brought us from.

            Each thing He has brought us from is very different but when it comes down to the emotional aspect of where we were, it’s incredibly painful for all of us. Because I myself am a very imaginative person, I can get swept away in my thoughts, sometimes for hours.
            While it’s handy for writing some pretty interesting fiction at also happen to be a great burden when I begin pondering on the wrong things. My brain has the tendency to turn a simple unfortunate situation into the most devastating life event that persuades me to believe life would be better everyone else if I just ceased to exist. And then I’ll try to justify these “suicidal” thoughts by convincing myself it’s for others. I’m doing it for the better of others. I regret to say my head has brought me to this place countless times. Thinking that because of my actions, I have ruined other people’s lives.
            Romans 13:14 tells us "...and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh." A hard lesson that hit me in the face this week that I didn't even know it was a problem. Sure we can control our words towards other people, but our thoughts in our own head is so much more difficult.
           And our focus!  Where is our focus supposed to be? We keep thinking so hard that the point of life is to serve others, and make others happy and comfortable and while that is important, it shouldn’t be our priority! Our priority is serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Instead of asking God what we can do for Him, we are off trying to make others happy, not giving a second thought to whether or not the people we are pleasing, if that in itself is pleasing to God.
            God loves us, even at our darkest! So why cant we just accept that and live for Him? Love God, and Love others. That is what the two commandments in Matthew 22 are all about. We've got to get these in the right order our life will be chaos.
            “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. ’”

                                                                                                Matthew 22:37-39

Friday, January 15, 2016


Words. Belief. Doubt. 
Is there any other way out?
Pain, loss, sorrow. 
Wishing for a better tomorrow. 

Nothing's changed. Nothing will. 
I'm so weary of standing still. 
I've heard it before, 
"There's something in store"
But it remains, this lingering chill

Hope is promised. 
But we should stop this. 
It's only a let down. 
Even in this town. 
Forget the hope of bliss.